Faria Firoz

Painting | Textile | Ceramics | Sculpture

Website: www.fariafiroz.com
E-mail: ffiroz@ecuad.ca
MFA Grad Studio: 13

Social Media
Instagram: @fariafiroz
Behance: Faria Firoz


Bangladeshi born artist, Faria Firoz is a multidisciplinary artist whose art practice explores globalization, cultural diaspora, displacement and equity to examine identity and cultural hybridization. Her works investigates social, political and cultural issues by utilizing pattern making as a form of poetic meditation. In recognition of her commitment to advocacy, Faria was awarded the Lieutenant Governor’s medal, 2021. She completed her Bachelors of Fine Arts degree with honours from the University of Fraser Valley and was awarded UFV’s Outstanding Achievement Award. She is currently pursuing her MFA at Emily Carr University of Art & Design.

Stuck in Liminality: Coping with Culture Shock 3, Oil on Canvas, 24″X36″, 2020

Since moving to Canada, my journey of adaptation began by denoting a voice to my experience. I started the work of deforming the static ideology of monoculture, moving towards a hybrid identity. Incorporating both cultures and speaking about pressing issues became my interest. In my practice, I use traditional recurring আল্পনানকশি, intricate florals, paisleys and কলকা to decorate backgrounds. The repetitive mark-making process, in studio, became a meditative tool that connected the intense familiarity of my culture with a ritualistic process of healing. 

Stuck in Liminality: Coping with Culture Shock 1, Oil on Canvas, 24″X30″, 2020


South Asian migrants in Canada encounter language barriers, lack of cultural touchstones, discrimination, and struggle to adjust and adapt. Not being able to completely belong and being an outsider makes it hard to assimilate to this new culture. Therefore, the “sense of belonging” turns into the “need for belonging” which in turn effects their mental wellbeing. 

Taking information vastly from my own lived experience as well as other South Asian women in Vancouver community, I plan to create a space of story gathering and story sharing. In an attempt to tell our stories and address how does “sense of belonging” impact mental health in displaced South Asian women. 

Artist Presentation

Faria Firoz Artist Presentation, Duration: 9 min 16 sec


The Firefly, Oil on Canvas, 24″X30″, 2021