Just received my copy of this book that begins with an introduction framed around my artwork, I am woman, hear me roar as I push out this Science Baby. The book is titled, To do away with the family. From abortion to post-human relations, written by Angela Balzano and published by Meltemi Publishing. Mmmnnhh, now if only all those years working in an Italian restaurant actually resulted in some Italian language skills!

From the Meltemi website:
The binomial “biology and capitalism” has conditioned the reproduction of life on the planet in a devastating way. The damage that the reproduction of the rich and white sapiens causes to ecosystems has resulted in the extinction of too many forms of life. Instead of treating and reproducing the Western population alone, it would be necessary to generate posthuman and decolonial kinships with racialized people, transgenus ties that go beyond the male / female dichotomy, but also transpecies kinship with non-human animals, with plants, with the forms of life created. in the laboratories of global techno-capitalism: from cloned cows to immortalized cells. By resorting to feminist science fiction analyzes and utopias, we will free ourselves from the “measure of all things”, Man, and his incubator, the heterosexual family.
Angela Balzano is a precarious eco / cyborg / feminist researcher, coordinator and teacher of the Sciences module of the Master in Gender Studies and Policies of the University of Roma Tre. She is currently a lecturer at the Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna and tutor in Women and Law for the GEMMA Master. He edited the translations: Il posthuman (2014) and Radical Materialism (2019) by Rosi Braidotti; Global Biolavoro (2015) by Melinda Cooper and Catherine Waldby; Promises of Monsters (2019) by Donna Haraway. With Carlo Flamigni he wrote Sexuality and reproduction (2015).