Clothes dryer, furniture legs, Greenback Blowfly, copper, boiled broccoli water, wash cloths, buttons, pins, Exotic Wet Look gloves, steel rail, wall fixtures, sheets, towels, fabric, mesh, Vagisil pH Balance branding, vegetable dye, dirt, artist’s hair, horse hair, found elevator hair ball, found wall hairs, dry pastels, faux ice cube, Vaseline, height of the artist’s genitals, deconstructed underwear, St Johns Wort, silicone, water, electrical plugs, electrical cord, latex tube, acrylic tube, nitrile glove, peg.
Please imagine this as a performance (add the scent of boiled broccoli, dry heat, vibration, the intermittent sounds of buttons and pins suddenly connecting with metal and billowing fabric on the rack).
Video documentation by Gemma Crowe.
Leaky puddle image by Alla Gadassik.
Room D4384 @ ECUAD.