The Bones of My EnemiesThe Bones of My EnemiesThe Bones of My EnemiesUntitled/SkinnedUntitled/SkinnedUntitled/SkinnedUntitled/ScrapedUntitled/ScrapedUntitled/ScrapedOnce I Wanted an Excess of Safety and Now I am AshamedOnce I Wanted an Excess of Safety and Now I am AshamedOnce I Wanted an Excess of Safety and Now I am Ashamed
These are some of the material explorations I’ve been working on this semester. They are not finished pieces, but are in the process of becoming after having been pulled apart.
Skinned PVC LeatherThe PVC skinMelted PVC LeatherThe texture is goneThe Bones of My EnemiesThe Bones of My EnemiesScraped TarendoResin Tarendo topTarendo scrapingsDreams of Returning to DustShoringShoringAmong the Ruins (excerpt)Among the Ruins (excerpt)