Bending Wood

I began the semester very excited about getting into things. And so, I ended up buying a lot of materials. My ideas would change, and I would buy more materials. Until by the beginning of October I had a lot of materials in my studio, most of which I wasn’t using. I had been feeling quite guilty about this stockpiling. It felt morally wrong to be consuming so much, and also not actually engaging with very much of it. And so, I started doing just that. And in the meantime, I made myself a temporary “garbage” as a reminder to slow down and spend time with what’s around me.

Experimentation with PVC Fabric

Inspiration from Walking

Wax Fabric
I am still in the process of playing with this, but I’m interested in waving handkerchiefs. There’s a play with the movement of the fabric, and the signal of a movement (of farewell, or of a beginning) that I really like.

Body Experimentation
Eros – Anne Carson

Reciprocal Mark Making