Sarah Wilson–google her, she’s got a really cool book called first, we make the beast beautiful–is very convincing when telling people (she’s a journalist so the audience varies) about quitting sugar and the affects it has on ours minds.
I say this as if she is some crazy lady (she does live in a shed in the middle of no where), but she’s not the one who came up with the theory; just advocates for it, strongly.
Through scientific reasoning, anxiety has been correlating with sugar addiction. Therefore, if you quit sugar, you won’t have anxiety anymore. Sounded worth a shot.
Throughout the month of May, I quit sugar from my diet. All sugar. This included fruit, bread, dairy, pasta, etc. What did I eat, you may ask? Way too many vegetables and lean meats.;
I documented the entire experiment through video diaries, photographs and food journals. What interested me the most, was how it affected my menstrual cycle.
I present to you two photographs of my menstrual cycles: One taken from one of my sugar-free days and one taken from a typical daily diet for me–264g of sugar.

right: Period. (264g of sugar, silk, the artist’s menstrual cycle, hysteria)
image of artist’s menstrual cycle printed on silk, after data track consuming 264g of sugar
left: Period. (0g of sugar, silk, the artist’s menstrual cycle, hysteria)
image of artist’s menstrual cycle printed on silk, after data track consuming 0g of sugar