Defining words through Dance

I had summer classes this year.

In one of the sessions, we got into conversation about defining the words we use so as to avoid our audience misinterpreting our work- because words can mean different things to different people.

While we spoke on this subject, I got really uncomfortable for some weird reason…I was fed up with defining everything with words-which can be limiting. And so I began to question the role of language in my work and I began to think through what kinds of languages I would want to use in my work.

Then I had an idea [some might say crazy]…

What will it look like to define words through dance?

There’s something fascinating about fusing fabric/garment with movement to illustrate a point or to paint a visual imagery of my understanding of a word and what is even more fascinating, is leaving people with that interpretation so that they might experience the word without speech or words.

So what does ‘Freedom’ mean?

[an iteration]

What is Freedom?
What is Freedom?

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