application of 洛神花 & 熟地 medicine pigment onto dried clay slip (on one tray slip dries on wood, on the other slip dries on stretched cotton), one stroke from left to right even when the brush becomes dry
in chinese painting, 留白 (leaving empty / leaving space) is an essential philosophy and visual element
the pigment fades as it dries. moisture evaporates and is absorbed by the dried clay slip
I poured another layer of slip over the dried medicine pigments
both trays dried in less than two hours in the afternoon sun
I tried to pour the slip as even as I could, but clay’s viscosity can change quickly. the slip thickened as I poured
I want to study these cracks, I’m so mesmerized by them, so I trace them over with pigment made from 熟地
I started practicing calligraphy again, so I do my best to remember 起笔, 行笔, 顿笔, 收笔 as I study the lines