My background is in UBC wood science, basically what I studied during my undergrad is how to build wood structures, no matter buildings or small wood furniture. Along with environmental science, economics, sustainability, very diverse.

In my spire time, always I would take a hand with my friend’s guitar workshop (very tiny), we took orders from local school bands to help them customize/maintain their guitars (or bass).

The above one is a photo I took in my hometown, Shijiazhuang, China, a city I stayed since my childhood till I finished my grade 12. And I’m currently stay here while taking remote class.

And I moved to Vancouver since my first year to university, almost five years ago. I quite enjoyed stay in Vancouver, since I love the feeling that living with nature. My apartment is 20 minutes walk from wreck beach and within 10 minutes walk to pacific sprite park. I had to say that the I love the surroundings, also, Vancouver has it’s unique atmosphere: friendly and freedom.
For me, living in China and Canada is quite different. I’m more used to artificial afforestation in China, but it’s refreshing to live in Vancouver. The differences between them reminds me my childhood inspiration Miyazaki Hayao, a Japanese movie director. He always talks about the relationship between human and nature in his films, especially in the context of highly developed industrial civilization, which inspired me a lot.