One more!
Take your time to consider how you might use this last action…..
How might you use it to carry you toward the spring term?
How might you find a way to carry this studio community through the break?
or…ignore these prompts and do what you feel is appropriate
This year is a really tough year for most of the people in this world, we suffered a lot, and hopefully next year things can be better, people can get outside, the virus can be controlled.
If winter comes, can spring be far behind?
For the spring term, the very first thing is I hope I can fly to Vancouver and attend class during normal hours…I really want to get rid of staying up late till 3am! But the news said foreigners are not allowed to enter Canada till January 21st, and the situation in BC is quite serious in BC, so I hope people are safe.
Internet is always the best solution under this condition!

When I traveled to Qinghai Lake, the scenery there is very beautiful, blue sky with white cloud, and the water is crystal clear, gently flow on the ground. I began to feel that people are very small, and it reminds me back to a classical literary I learnt in my high-school:
“寄蜉蝣于天地,渺沧海之一粟。哀吾生之须臾,羡长江之无穷。挟飞仙以遨游,抱明月而长终。知不可乎骤得,托遗响于悲风。” —-苏轼 《赤壁赋》
So I made this model with wood and straw with some rags, it is the shape of “人”, and I hope we can all be stronger, be positive to say hello to the coming 2021. Everything gonna be better!