What’s up Youtube. Lately I’ve been working on some digital collage. I’ve been really interested in making super irrational images that lean on the combination of things that come from impromptu google searches. As well, I’ve been using some of the automated processes in Photoshop like content-aware fill and the distort filters. In both of these processes the question remains: what happens when man (if we can call him that) and the Algorithm come together to make art? AI is creeping more and more into our human lives, so perhaps using it as a tool illuminates the human-machine relationship that guide our online (and, increasingly offline) interactions. The Algorithms for Google search, Instagram explore, and Pornhub suggestions control what we can and cannot see. Yet, as users we’re made to be delusional in thinking that all of the information in the world is at our fingertips. Of course, we do have control over what we see to an extent, at the discretion of our Algorithm overlords. Maybe I’m a crazy conspiracy theorist. Either way I hope these images cure your psoriasis.