Feb 3rd 2021 - Memorial South Park
My project 2 started with me going to the neighborhood park. Now that I was away from Vine street, I wanted to explore the new “green” area close to me. I was alone and had about 20 minutes to spend there. I tried to observe, listen and pay attention to different living beings around me.
The ducks were peacefully swimming in the pond, if I went closer than a certain distance, they would swim away from me. I tried to go around the pond and find a place where I could see them without disturbing them.
As I circled around the pond, I came across some brown pointy leaves on the grass. I was looking down and followed them, they were guiding me to their source without me noticing. As I walked a bit more I found myself at the tree. I could see an abundance of pine-cone like fruits and brown leaves at the bottom of the tree. I don’t know the tree’s name, kind or the name of its fruit, but I was fascinated by them. They were light-weight and pointy. The dry leaves were curled up. I picked up a few of them and sat down for a bit to see the ducks from a distance.
I was trying to listen to the sounds. The ducks were noisy, I could hear the children play on the nearby soccer field. I could also hear the sound of passing cars, which I found unpleasant and in contrast to the atmosphere I was in. I wondered how would the geese and the ducks would perceive this ambience? Were they annoyed as well? Or they’ve become accustomed to it?
As I stood up to leave, I stumbled upon some tall trees. Their trunks looked beautiful. I was there for just a few minutes, but I felt the trees where sheltering me from my worries, even for a split second. I could still hear the sound of passing cars. I wished I didn’t. I felt a bit guilty that the trees would have to listen to those sounds everyday.
Under the trees were filled with fallen branches. They had created spiral and circular shapes; Making a certain pattern or a carpet-like surface beneath the trees. The branches were thin and bendy because they were damp.

I was later informed that the tree may have been a Fir.
Feb 6th 2021 - Pacific Spirit Regional Park
A friend wanted to show us around the Pacific Spirit Regional Park. I was excited to use this opportunity to go to the park/jungle to have another chance to observe a natural environment. Especially a place with less visible human-made artifacts. As we walked in the jungle, our surroundings transformed. I was shocked to be in such a green environment while still technically being in a city. Back in home, I’d have to travel for hours to get to such a place.
As we walked into the park, I could hear the sound of the ocean or waves, which turned out to be the sound of ruffling trees and the wind. We weren’t close to the beach yet but for a moment I was convinced that I was hearing the waves. The jungle was calling the ocean. It was beautiful, calming and mesmerizing. Some people were walking their dogs, I was happy to see them in such a natural environment. I wondered about the smells they’d notice. Again, I had no knowledge of the greenery I was meeting for the first time.
Our friend would occasionally point at things and said this is the doing of the Spirit of Jungle. He was joking, but the environment was magical enough for imagination to flow, and a part of me enjoyed thinking about the possibility of existence of a “Jungle Spirit”, even if my brain wouldn’t agree.

The light was shining through on a tree. As we passed, I noticed my shadow appear on it. I took this picture to save that moment. My hand, my presence, had became one with the tree; without us physically interacting. I saw this as a form of friendship and care. Maybe a silent and brief conversation between the two of us. Explaining this moment is hard, it feels a bit shallow when put into words. The picture is self-explanatory and could also be interpreted in different ways.
Feb 13 2021 - Memorial South Park
Waking up to my first real snow in Vancouver, I saw myself in a completely different environment. I had to visit the park again.
Living on the 3rd floor, the balcony has made me more aware of the birds – We feed them occasionally
The untouched snow revealed footsteps. I could see how the ducks have travelled all the way on frozen water to go for an ice cold swim in the pond. I was more aware of their movements since there were less colors and patterns around. But at the same time, the snow had covered many elements as well. I couldn’t see the pine cones anymore. Or the grass. The environment had become ambiguous but still mesmerizing.
Feb 20 2021 - Around Bloedel Conservatory