In Action 8, I was exploring a nonhuman-centered perspective and played around with the assumption that we are in power. By the end of it, I had a vision in my head. But I only could visualize it in a 3d software. (not so much of a low-fidelity action!) I initially wanted to create some sort of a short animation and put humans in the environment of dead corals. However, my laptop doesn’t meet my production standards, so I had to settle for some render shots. (with relatively low quality)
Dead coral reefs =>
Disrupted ecosystem and biodiversity =>
Dead humans
Dead coral reefs = Dead humans
Ocean (coral’s habitat) = City (humans’ habitat)
Endangered ocean = Endangered city
Dead ocean = Dead city

Do we treat nature the way we treat our home?
Aren’t our homes, however urban looking, part of nature as well? Or even nature itself?

Even if we live far away from the ocean/forest…, how can we really feel it and care for it? Can I really see it? Not just the pictures, but as if I’m there right in the middle of it.

How can we truly feel the impact of climate change without having to witness a catastrophe in our own habitat?
We are all suffering. Without a doubt, the cycle begins with us humans. We ruin, damage, and manipulate. Then nature pays for it. It changes, animals die, even a pandemic comes to life because of our devastating actions. Then nature reacts, ice melts, the temperature rises, the climate becomes unpredictable, and then, humans suffer. It’s a full circle.

Our home is nature’s home , nature’s home is our home
We are all connected, much more than we think we are.
We are not close. We are one. How can I show this?
How can I make this tangible?

Will this change our behavior towards nature? Would green actions and protecting the environment become a fact, not an agenda or a political fight?
What is nature? Where is nature? Is this a binary relationship? These are the questions that should be revisited by a modern citizen.