Waste, Inclusive Hiring, and Zero Emissions
October 2021 – January 2022
Project goals:
- contribute to the production of visual storytelling, including photo documentation, infographics and data visualization
- contribute design research and outputs related to initiatives led by Recycling Alternative
Part One: GrIID on the Ground
This project will build on the report Mapping the GrIIDTM (2021) to provide detailed case studies of how macro patterns and policies described in the report land for SMEs and non-profits working on the ground.
These case studies will become a core asset in engaging new SMEs to participate in the GrIID, as well as providing context for the formation/formalization of GrIIDs in Vancouver and elsewhere.

Profiles of 5 GrIIDTM organizations will include:
- Photo documentation and visual storytelling of products, services and operational practices that contribute to the GrIID
- Infographics and data visualization that quantify benefits of a circular approach through the metrics of share-reuse-repair models; product life extension; renewable and/or regenerative sources of energy and material; upcycling or value-added recovery systems; social impact hiring and local jobs; and GHG emissions.
- Interviews with owners and staff about the operational benefits and challenges of working within a circular economy framework
- Profiling specific affinities or partnerships within the GrIID that demonstrate benefits of this approach (i.e. co-location of United We Can and Recycling Alternative)