Remember in Action #6, I tried to dig the potential of plastic in the sustainable perspective. And since the result I found plastic is not very “sustainable”, it reminds of my old friend – wood. No one can deny the environmental friendliness and sustainability of wood as a material.
So, in this action, I’m trying to show the potential of using wood in our daily life.
This is a woodblock that my friend picked up from a mountain (In China, living in the mountains is somewhat strange, but this friend is so rich that she has contracted an entire mountain and has built her family a luxury villa). And she sent the picture for me, we realized that: WOW, the shape really lends itself a coffee table!

So we start on shape it, dig a hole in the middle and sand it (I hate sanding). This is followed by a very long polishing work. In total it takes almost four weeks for us to finish polishing this coffee table. But see the picture below, it worth the time.

The following one is the by-product of making the coffee table, this is a piece of art made of tree bark. As you may have guessed, the bark comes from the stump on top.

This action also follow the “5R” principle in “zero-waste lifestyle”, the material is free, and it almost non-pollution to the environment. It explores the simplest application of wood as a raw material in our daily lives — Small Furniture and Decorative Objects.