Not gonna lie, this action was pretty easy. When Garima told me her plans for the food, she surprised me with khichdi. I already make this at least once a week. I prepared to get a complicated dish but it ended up being pretty easy. I may have ended giving Garima a complicated dish. Even my parents told me why I would do that to her. I felt pretty guilty about that. But she did say that even though it was pretty elaborate, it was fun. Phew!

Garima gave a little workbook to note down my thoughts and emotions through each step which I thought was lovely. Making khichdi is a fairly mechanical process. At first, I followed Garima’s instructions but I ended up doing it my way haha. In the khichdi workbook, Garima suggested that I make a pillow fort and have a 70s/80s bollywood movie night while eating khichdi. Khichdi is about comfort and setting should be reflective of that comfort.

I was really, really, really excited to make the pillow fort. I have never done this before but thankfully Garima sent instructions. I ended up improvising because I don’t have two chairs. It took some time to figure out but I got it done 🙂 Then it was movie night. I had my fort, my movie, my khichdi. What more could a person want. At first, it was really fun because pillow fort but then I was feeling a bit uncomfortable probably because i didn’t have enough pillows to really call it a fort. I moved to the bed and enjoyed the rest of the movie night with my blanket.

Throughout this whole action, I only had feelings of nostalgia. I was intimately familiar with these ingredients. I grew up with these ingredients and still use them to this day. I ended up making the khichdi a lot more slowly because I wanted to process everything; the sounds, smells, colors. Then that 70s/80s bollywood movie night really hit that nostalgia home. Chupke Chupke was movie I watched when I was child. I don’t remember most it but it was so so so nice to revisit. I truly felt comforted 🙂 Thanks Garima!

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