A Day

Woke up, alarm, 8:30

Snoozed, once, didn’t fall back asleep

Thought about paper

Five deep breaths

Checked phone

Made bed

Went pee

Made breakfast, tea, with two eggs and a banana

Ate, in silence

Brushed teeth, didn’t floss

Booked haircut, December 17

Sat down to begin working on paper

Browsed Pinterest, text art

Remembered that I thought I felt an earthquake last night

Looked it up, there wasn’t

Went pee

Cut ingrown toenail

Two deep breaths

Listened to plane fly over house

Googled, how to make a quilt

Sore back, turned on heating pad

Cold toes, put on socks

Socks had holes, removed

Went pee

Put on warmest socks

Watched video on quilting

Watched second video on quilting

Checked phone

Two deep breaths

Opened new document, began writing

Deleted it all

Went pee

Tried to pop back zit, made it worse

Back to writing

Zoned out thinking about my pre-pandemic life

Two deep breaths

Back to writing

Turned on music, Sales

Back to writing

Checked email

Back to writing

Made tea

Checked instagram

Visited with roommate

Went pee

Lit insence

Massaged neck knots

Back to writing

Eavesdropped on roommates discussing whether or not dicks are ever attractive

Warmed up lunch, left overs

Too many chilli flakes, two deep breaths

Blew nose

Drank water

Bite of food, deep breath, more water, repeat

Call from Adryn

Looked at quilts on Pinterest

Checked email

Went pee

Back to writing

Checked instagram

Back to writing

Succeeded at popping zit on back

Back to writing

Cleaned dirt out from under nails

Went pee

Back to writing

Turned off music

Focused writing

Finished draft

Went pee

Heated up dinner, left overs again

Ate dinner

Back to writing

Went pee

Back to writing

Finished writing 

Washed face

Went pee

Went to bed

Couldn’t sleep

Tossed and turned

Missed Adryn


Two deep breaths

Tossed and turned

Went pee 

Five deep breaths

Massaged neck knots

Tossed and turned

Fell asleep 

Critique #1

For my first critique I chose to tag the phrase “What Else Is There?” on the gallery wall. I have been exploring found text while out on my walks, viewing these words as a form of residue or trace left by others who have passed through the area. Whether in the form of graffiti, postering or other word based intervention, I am drawn to the choices of words that individuals post around the city, left to be interacted with and contemplated by those passing by. For this piece, I chose to bring the street into the gallery, working with a phrase that is intentionally open to many different interpretations. It could be read a commentary on the gallery space as an institution itself, a playful look at a seemingly empty room facilitating discussion around the very nature of emptiness or an open ended hint that there is always more to be considered.