psychocartography Public Space

Creating Maps V2

This is an update on the last post. I am creating more maps based on the last one. I also separated the layers of the different “instant” visual information within the map itself.

Greenspace is depicted in green. Coastline and water in blue. Buildings in gold. Streets in gray. Topography (concrete) in white.

The map size is 1km square or 1’000,000 meters squared.

  • Green spaces sum up to 39,150 meters squared, or 3.9% of the total area.
  • Water covers 27,427 meters squared, or 2.7% of the total area.
  • Streets represent around 192,366 meters squared, or 19.2%.
  • Buildings take up 2’040,902 meters squared. Double the area of the map itself or the topography available.

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