Jinglan Ge

Hi I’m Jinglan,  I am a visual communication designer and illustrator, who graduated from Zhejiang University, China in 2018 with a bachelor’s degree of art in visual communication. 

Keywords for my current practice/research:

Feminism, body image, self-identity, imagination, illustration 

 Research questions/Key themes:

My research began with the focus on the aesthetic phenomenon of Chinese women’s bodies. Through design, I am exploring how the concern for external body image affects women’s internal self-identity, and the possibility to liberate women from such pressure and establish a more pleasant relationship between “body” and “self”. 

You’re very welcome to add comments on my posts, or chat personally!


Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/9770488875?pwd=UlZsb29UTkhUS0lpaUZpTVN6Mnk1UT09 Passcode: 1CE1c6