As I was stuck with what to do next with my action, I went to the park next to my house. I picked up some leaves and twigs, I didn’t know what I was going to do with them. I was just gathering. I came home and washed the leaves. Next to the basin were some peeled potatoes skins. I liked the contrast of the color with my green so I took them to. When I placed them on my table I loved the contrast of it with the red cloth under the glass on my table. So I got a rill of red thread.
I didn’t know what to do with them. I started to play with these materials. I stitched some leaves together.
I thought what if I had more time and more leaves and tread. I could go on weaving this enormous sheet of leaves!! What would I do with such a big of sheet? Made a eco-friendly shade for my windows? or a matt for street dogs?
I embroidered a leaf too. hahah so exciting!!
I played with the potato peel too. I cut it into square and stitched it too! it was very starchy! I love the color contrast.!! If I had plenty of them I could make a shear out of it!! would look so cool and medieval !
I got excited with these things lol. I saw a face like structure in the potatoes, I felt like lets me make a wig of leaves and make a face. I stitched the peels and leaves together.
I felt like he seems too lonely! He needs family! So i made him a family!
I named them Bera, Neri and Kullu their son.
Now I can’t stop. They NEED a House!!!
The peel family in their new home.
Below are other random explorations on different backgrounds, and things
I got a lot of twigs and I stuck them together with glue on paper.
I totally enjoyed playing with nature! at first, I was a bit hesitant. But once I started playing with the materials I got comfortable and things just started flowing easily after. I was also very hesitant doing an action of video sketching earlier this action helped me a bit to do storyboarding in my mind.
There is a curfew in my city I can’t go out much. I tried to get inspired to do an action with things around me. I picked out a few tops and pants from my wardrobe, about 40 random pieces.
Few of my pants
I tried to remember where did I buy them from, when, and how much I paid for them. I made a list of it.
Of these random top’s I picked out:- I spent 7,900 RS for 6 pc on local stores, 6,200 RS for 6 pc on local/national brands, 7,400 RS for 7 pc on international brands. 6 pc were gifted to me 6 pc were hand downed to me by my friends because I loved them.
What I realized while doing this exercise, the price is kinda similar if I buy from national or international brands or even if I get them custom-made. But the pieces I loved the most were the custom made ones and the ones hand down to me, I had feelings for these pieces because I know whos making them, I bought the natural fabrics, I was more involved in the making of it. And for the hand downed ones, I knew who wore it before, I like it that they were a little worn off, for me it had character and feelings attached to it . I am more keen to buy more custom made pieces as it gives back to my community and I actually love these items.
These are some fabrics I had bought for my Mom, but I think I am now going to make shorts and pants out of them. They are all made in cotton and natural dyes. Sorry, Mom!
I have a habit while getting ready, I open up all the ironed clothes and try a few of them and see what looks nice….And then I windup ironing all the unused clothes again. I thought what if I had little cut-outs of these clothes I could try matching what combinations would work best for me. Instead of trying out all the clothes. It would save up so much time and energy. so below is a little mockup I have made of a few clothes.
please bear with me the color printouts are at the printers shop I will get it in a few hours. I will make ting cutouts of it. If i don’t make it in time for the submissions see the below for a brief idea of it.
Cutouts images below once I get the above print from the printer shop
a situation where two or more people or things communicate with each other or react to each another - Cambridge Dictionary
Inter- Action …. Interactivity
“the practice of designing interactive digital products, environments, systems, and services.” Interaction Design
What are the places we can facilitate interaction?
A study of possible intervention in day to day interactions?
I have a family WhatsApp group chat where all my cousins, uncles, and aunts are part of. my dad’s generation people have a habit of sending stories, traditional poems, alerts, news, emergency messages, etc. but as English is not their first language they type and communicate in Gujarati. While my generation knows how to speak Gujarati fluently but it’s a little hard to read it. It doesn’t come so easy to us as English does. What happens most of the time is that I and my cousins usually don’t read these messages typed in Gujarati. This sometimes hurts the sentiments of my uncles and aunts as they think we are ignoring them or not interested in what they have to say.
How do we make WhatsApp more inclusive???
A screenshot of my family group chat.
Wouldn’t it be great if we had a WhatsApp translate feature? It would make the chat so much inclusive. see an example below
Our cohort has a WhatsApp group. Sometimes it gets very active and there are multiple conversations going on between 22 people, I wake up in the morning with 200+ messages from this group chat. Most of its causal banter, mixed with some important topic, eg. ‘how many of you are going to the seminar next week?’ there is no train of chat to this some reply after fee hours or even after a day or 2. It becomes hard to keep a track of these things.
What if this Poll feature was added to WhatsApp chats like “ask a question” and one could find all the replies to that question there. I won’t have to scroll over 200 messages and analysis the data… I have done rough ideation of it below.
Ownership of data? How can we tax digital data? are there any regulations how much data Corporates can store? Who’s data is it? can the user directly sell the data? How crazy are the terms and conditions? lo have we ever read it?
Democratising electricity? What if everyone could generate their own clean electricity? and share it?
Investigating product life cycle? the hidden idea that everything you trash magically disappears.
Role of a designer in a pandemic? What can I do? What should I do?
Different modes of interaction?
Investigation practise of death? is there a better way? study different practices. the sentiments behind it the religion behind it. how can we steer it to a different mode. This practise is thousand of years old … can we really change it. are there agencies that provide end to end service in India? what about abroad? how does an Indian Hindu follow its practise in foreign land
Explore materials…. probably cement sheets to design furniture.
Dictionary ‘health’ is defined as ‘the state of being free from illness and injury’. It is obviously a negative definition. Such a definition reflects the current use of the words in the spoken language, but not necessarily its development over time.
The English ‘health’ derives from Old English ‘hælth’, which is related to ‘whole’ ‘a thing that is complete in itself’ (Oxford Dictionary) derived from Old English ‘hal’ of Germanic origin. In Middle English ‘hal’ also became ‘hail’ with the meaning of health in greetings and toasts. ‘hal’ is related to the Dutch ‘heel’ and the German ‘heil’. In German the connections between health, wholeness and salvation becomes even clearer than in English. ‘Heil-kunde’ and ‘Heil-kunst’ are still common German words for medicine, ‘Heiler’ is a traditional or alternative health provider; ‘heilfroh’ means wholly happy, and refers to a relationship between health and happiness
This quasi-religious context the constitution of the WHO adopted in 1948 becomes understandable when stating ‘the following principles are basic to the happiness, harmonious relations and security of all peoples: Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’
Care: Concern, worry, precaution, to give attention, maintain, – Merriam-Webster.
Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being…. – Oxford.
Health care in India
India has a universal health care system. Mostly administered by the state rather than federal level. It is escessaintly free for all of India except for some small symbolic co-payments for services. In practice, however, the private healthcare sector is responsible for the majority of healthcare in India, and most healthcare expenses are paid directly out of pocket by patients and their families, rather than through health insurance.[7]
Several reasons are cited for relying on the private rather than public sector; the main reason at the national level is poor quality of care in the public sector, with more than 57% of households pointing to this as the reason for a preference for private health care.[17] .Much of the public healthcare sector caters to the rural areas, and the poor quality arises from the reluctance of experienced healthcare providers to visit the rural areas. Private healthcare providers in India typically offer high quality treatment at unreasonable costs as there is no regulatory authority or statutory neutral body to check for medical malpractices.
Why such disparity in access to healthcare?
The health care system of India is lacking in three factors related to access to healthcare: provision, utilization, and attainment. However, there currently exists a huge gap between these factors, leading to a collapsed system with insufficient access to healthcare. Furthermore, inequalities in financing healthcare and distance from healthcare facilities are barriers to access.
Initiatives to tackle these problems: The Twelfth Plan, National Rural Health Mission, National Urban Health Mission, Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY), Public-private partnership. I need more time to investigate these initiatives to understand them.
I generated this data chart based on: nternational Institute for Population Sciences and Macro International (September 2007). “National Family Health Survey (NFHS-3), 2005 –06” (PDF). Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. pp. 436–440. Retrieved 5 October 2012.
I generated this data chart based on : Staff, T. W. (2020, October 17). India Begins Selecting People for Priority Coronavirus Vaccines. The Wire Science.
Health Care Workers: 7 million (in the public and private sector). This includes 1.1 million MBBS doctors and 0.8 million Ayush practitioners; 1,5 million nurses, 0.7 million ANMs, and 1 million ASHA workers. The list includes 0.7-0.8 million allied healthcare professionals and others, like sanitation workers, ambulance workers, and hospital security,
Frontline Workers:200 million frontline workers, including 4.5 million police and related forces and 1.5 million people from the armed forces. Municipal workers, public transport drivers, cleaners, and teachers.
Logistics company DHL recently mapped the vaccine delivery landscape. In a white paper titled ‘Delivering Pandemic Resilience’, the company stated that to ensure global coverage for the next two years, about 200,000 movements by pallet shippers on 15,000 flights may be needed; 15 million deliveries in cooling boxes would have to be shipped. Source
What are the cold chain requirements?
Delivery?: Vaccine + Syringe + Practitioner
Will there be adequate trained medical health professional to administer the vaccine?
Vials: Glass usually Type 1 is used (recyclable? type?)
Guidelines on safe disposal of Used Needles and Syringes by National AIDS Control Organisation Department of AIDS Control Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Government of India
In reality, this is not how it’s practiced in India. It has a much grimmer and darker truth; various studies showed that syringes are reused, needles are not destroyed. They are disposed of with general municipal waste. A large part of this waste ends up in landfills or collected by the illegal recycling industry. Even cotton and gloves are reused by repurposing them into a different product. Source1, Source 2
How we strategize to dispose of this waste in India and globally? How will developing and poor countries deal with this?
While investigating syringes I stumbled on this article by MIT Lab where it is Re-thinking the syringe.
I feel like opened a pandora’s box by investigating this topic. It is too big a task that merits more time and collaboration with experts.
What could be also an interesting investigation into ‘social wellbeing in health care’ will lead too? will it include tech industry? Ai? What are traditional systems of social well-being in communities? What are the modern system?
I will investigate theboundaries of my land through the action/s of cross-referencing, validating, reflecting
While chatting with Maleeka, usually something interesting and inspiring always stems out. Given our country’s bitter separation during Independence, and since decade’s of conditioning through multiple layers (education, politics, media etc) we look at our neighbours as enemy. This institution has provided a safe environment to start a dialogue and foster friendship.
During one such conversation, where we were talking about the beautiful Jammu and Kashmir “Heaven on Earth” as told by Emperor Jehangir of the Mughal Empire. Lead us to google maps.
While looking at the maps and talking we were not able to orient ourselves.
My Google map view
Maleeka’s Google map view
Us marking out the boundaries that we believed was true
My Google map view
Maleeka’s Google map view
Trying to orient myself to an alternate reality
I trying to move the boundaries back
Moving it further back to match Maleeka’s
Us referring to UN maps, trying to make sense of this new information
This lead me to seek validation from 3rd party. friends, family in different countries.
Below is the screenshot of google maps provided by Shankar (current location Oman, 23.11.’20) Satelite view 100-200kms
Below is the screenshot of google maps provided by Megha Mitra (current location Saudi Arabia, 23.11.’20) Satelite view 100-200kms
Below is the screenshot of google maps provided by Spandan (current location Australia, 23.11.’20) Satellite view 100-200kms
Below is the screenshot of google maps provided by Pablo (current location Canada, 25.11.’20) Satellite view 100-200kms. (Shows same as Indian Google map)
Below is the screenshot of google maps provided by Jeffery (current location ?, 25.11.’20) Satellite view 200kms
Below is the screenshot of google maps provided by Zahara (current location Iran, 25.11.’20) Satellite view 100
I check Apple maps which showed the new states that came into inception on 5th Aug,19 i.e. 1. Ladakh and 2. Jammu & Kashmir. But it’s international borders are not defined.
Data Providers?
Maleeka's apple maps. ->
I checked the official map of Indian by Indian Govt. and the official map of Pakistan by Pakistani Govt
Official Map Of India By Survey of India Department Of Science & Technology. 10the addition 2020 Source
My Indian Internet won’t let me access the official website of survey of Pakistan
On 5th August,2019 India revoked Article 360, that granted special status to Jammu & Kashmir to a Union Territory of India into 2 states 1.Ladahak and 2.Jammu & Kashmir.
There is a lot of things I need to understand: Who validates this? How is this new information be incorporate into things like, individual countries maps, tech application,curriences... what are other places this needs to be updated?
What data does google take to make these map? Why is it showing 2 different versions on the same platform.? what are its policies? How will the map change once I move to Vancouver?
How does this "visual depection of boundries" condition us.
How is data managed between 2 countires? the world? Who has the privilige/access to data? Who are marginalized?
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia could decide to ‘correct’ the ‘distorted’ map on its 20 Riyal banknote at the requests of the Indian government, reports indicated. Adding that Saudi Arabia is also likely to withdraw the banknote soon, reports said the two sides had reached a consensus on India’s position in Jammu & Kashmir.
Visual depection of boundries on print could have hughe political impact... it is also very costly to maintain it. Imagine reprinting the currency!!
I would like to take this action forward and do the following:
Provide a little more information about both me and Maleeka: where are we both writing from, how do we know each other
Provide a bit more background on the history and border issues: link to websites with basic historical explanations; discuss how the border issues are manifest at this time (is this urgent for me & Maleeka’s cohort, for example)
I could provide a final statement/conclusion that includes mine (and maybe Maleeka’s too?) reflections on the value of the casual data exchange between colleagues/friends (?) Do our final questions different? What are the issues (ethical, political, personal) raised in these data exchanges? Can I refer to some of the presentations in the series (data+knowledge sharing) in my analysis? Besides Dr. Namman’s talk, maybe Jessie Loyer’s talk about the trauma surrounding data sets might be worth exploring?
I will investigate Ambiguity and how to navigate it? through the action/s of observing/exploring/reflection of my thought process, feelings, and experience.
Oxford Dictionary:
[uncountable] the state of having more than one possible meaning,
[countable] a word or statement that can be understood in more than one way,
[countable, uncountable] the state of being difficult to understand or explain because of involving many different aspect.
My Attitude Towards Ambiguity
Thinking back on a time when I experienced ambiguity or uncertainty recently. This could have been a time when…
my next steps were unclear I recognized multiple pathways/possibilities I faced more questions than answers my personal perception of a “right’ outcome was challenged
How did I feel ? & How did I respond?
Continuing online studies(feel) Now that the next semester is going to be online, I am not sure if it’s worth doing it. Missing out on faculty interactions, peer engagements, building bonds, etc. (response) sacrifice and get in line. What other choice do I have? other than online or take a break/drop.
Suing my ex-company(feel) not paying your employee is not right. I feel unsure of my works worth and in turn me.(response) Unsure as of yet, I played some music and felt low.
Taking precautions in sex(feel) I felt uncertain if I should use it with or not with my trusted partners,(response) took precautions as I don’t want to deal with the anxiety of the implications of not taking it.
Taking a weekend trip with my friends(feel) I felt scared of contracting Co-vid.(response) Fear of missing out, justified by using my time doing assignments, also took a rational decision of not going because if I get co-vid I can pass it to my parents who are old.
Deciding which ‘crown’ to get for my tooth that underwent root canal,(feel) I wasn’t sure which material crown I should get, metal? ceramic? Metal coated with ceramic?(response) my doc suggested I should go for ceramic or coated with ceramic as being a professional it’s not cool to have a shiny metal one.
Asking out someone (feel) I am always nervous about the outcome, fear of losing someone, (response) I ask anyway, as the fear or guilt of not knowing is too heavy, and also I have to be true to ‘thing’s’ I want.
When our goals aligned or not,(feel) felt a bit weird(response) did a discussion
The difference of views,(feel) felt like the other person doesn’t understand that my solution that this meets the objective and that he could be wrong(response) discussed it and decided t keep both the solutions
Making time and taking time,(feel) wasn’t sure how much time the team member wanted to give, I personally try to put in as much time as I can, felt that other team members weren’t committed enough, (response) didn’t bring up the topic, later I realized the team member has other commitments, also their efforts could be divided into other tasks.
Sharing thoughts, and feelings(feel) I felt like I do if the other team member would be interested in that, or how would they perceive it, or how would they react. Possibly I felt scared. (response) I did not share
What recipe to give Pat for action 2.(feel) I felt uncertain, like should I give her something simple to make or something a bit complex as most of the recipes from my terrior are (response) I gave her something easy as she was experimenting with new elements.
Making decisions,(feel) I felt that there are multiple outcomes of making a decision when I and Maleeka decided of doing action 7 together,(response) I don’t know what the outcome is going to be yet.
Giving feedback, (feel) recently when I gave feedback to Zahara on censorship, I felt maybe I shouldn’t have given her that feedback, maybe it might demotivate her, (response) I checked with her privately on how she felt about my feedback and it was all good.
Committing to projects (feel) I felt uncertain about my commitment to this action (response) I committed to it regardless as I had no choice but to do it.
When I had conflicting outcomes(feel) I felt okay actually(response) I was open to parallel solutions
When I had multiple options to move ahead or explore with stretch lexicon (feel) I felt good actually and overwhelmed in a good way (response) I don’t remember what my response was but what could have been my response but happy lol.
While doing initial actions(feel)I felt why am I even doing this? Is this design? (response) I decided to trust the process and also because I was having fun.
While performing the actions (feel) I was questioning if I am doing them right or wrong (response) decided to not think it in that way but keep on performing.
While asking uncomfortable questions,(feel) I feel nervous,(response) I decided to ask anyway.
How much time and money to invest,(feel) I felt skeptical (response) I tried to rationalize it with the output or the possible worth of the investment.
Updating to the Blog, (feel) I feel exposed (response) I have no choice but to post it, I won’t get marks if I don’t post.
Ambiguous Object Exercise
Letting go of the “right answer”
Participatingfriend'sAman from Delhi, India (A)
Charles from Gujarat, India (C)
Elham from Tehran (E)
Melaine from Vancover, Canada (M)
Soumya from Mumbai, India (S)
For this exercise, each participant needs to bring in a seemingly ambiguous object. For example, think of an object you’ve come across, picked up, and thought “hmm, I wonder what this does?” or “what does this belong to?” If you do happen to know, DO NOT reveal what your object actually is or does. Keep it a secret, which you can share at the end of the exercise. Taking turns to make up a story for the object on-the-spot. Have fun with how it might be used. By who? Where? When? For example, “this is an International Transmogrifier spies use when they’re on covert operations. They place it on a wall, flip this switch, and it reveals special messages hidden in plain sight, planted by their clandestine intelligence agency.”
Object – 1
Object of Melanie from Vancouver
C: “I think it a rat trap”
S:“I thought it was an urn or a fancy tea pot”
E: “It is sugar holder or spice holder maybe”
C: “Maybe it’s a piggy bank 😱 “
A: “something used for storage purposes…. although the opening on the side still bothers me.
Object – 2
Object of Aman from Delhi
S: “Looks like some plumbing tools”
E: “Is there a reason behind hanging from a hanger or you are misleading us all”
C: “I think is an object is used to check leveling of the walls during construction”
E: “the circle thing is a heavy thing which helps the other end and it adds weight to it by hanging” “it does some sort of leveling”
M: “It’s a clever toilet flusher for if your water tank is up high so you can still reach while sitting down” “Also a sound maker for the one person band… seen here hanging from a storage hook when in action musician swings above their head with left hand to make a whiirrrrring sound while using right hand and left foot to tap out the beat using Soumya’s percussion kit.”
C: “And this seems like a strangulation device for medieval times”. “Oh it could be water level checker for underground water tanks” “Or the round thing is magnet and it’s used to treasure hunt things in a river”
S: “Looks like a mountain climbing tool”
Object – 3
Object of Elham from Tehran
C: “I think it’s a toy light”
A: “Something used in a kitchen….I can see some sort of mesh at the bottom”
C: “a push button for some nuclear 🚀 ”
M: “Special limited offer on the garlic crusher, that doubles as a button maker”
S: “This looks like an eternal mushroom. From Alice in wonderland’s book. If you take a bite of it you become as tiny as your thumb.”
C: “Now I think it’s a weed crusher :O “
Object – 4
Object of Soumya from Mumbai
E: “it is for crushing some food”
C: “I think this is sandlewood powder maker”
M: “Instruments for the rhythm section of a one person band”.”Implements for darning socks…. needles, threads and socks not included.”
A: “Sandalwood crusher to make paste with water”
C: “Tools to perform black magic :O “
Object – 5
Object of Charles from Gujarat
M: “A clever measuring and marking device for perfect spacing of carrots and tomatoes in the garden, spacing works for linear and non linear gardening styles”
S: “Something to poke annoying children with”
M: “Hahahahaha yes to put in the shoe of annoying children and annoying neighbors”.”And your least fav cousin?!? Am I getting too mean?”.”The loud guy in the office…”
S: “Or maybe it is a weaving tool”
A: “Space markers”
“Ambiguity is like… Jumping off a cliff in a fog“
“Because… It’s like the process of discovering the bottom, there could be a lake, concrete slab, or a trampoline!! who knows? It’s exciting and terrifying !! “
Up to this moment, what tools, methods, mindsets, or other things have I relied on when I faced an ambiguous situation? What’s the composition of your ambiguity? What are the things that help you survive in ambiguity?
Tools or methods I have relied on: Listening to, I try to rationalize it, checking pro’s & con’s, multiple scenario building, I discuss it with beings, I contemplate, I research, zoom in zoom out,
Composition: Untearable, gooey, semi-solid/liquid
Helps me survive: Meditation music, I take a walk, I risk it, talking it out,
In my quest to see nature in an urban space, I walked around in a public garden next to my house. Collecting leaves and flowers and posted it in my book. While cataloging, not knowing the names of most of them made me realize how out of tune I am with nature around me.
Breaking Down Decoloniality
I thought about the spaces that I realized are still colonized and put them down on a small piece of paper, the spaces I still don’t yet I kept them empty
The book I took with me in the garden had these small pieces of paper, I felt the urge to push them into the ground. In a way trying to say the decolonization begins with being grounded with your terrior
Left: Me exploring the spaces of decolonization Right: Having explored some spaces, I am trying to make sense of it.
Visual Hierarchy
Public signage, Indian Institute of Management in Ahmedabad, a banner outside of a local clinic.
Text Seen: English, Gujarati, Hindi
While driving around in my city, I started noticing visual hierarchy in corporate brands, local banners, billboards, public signage, and national institutions.
Corporate/International brands have english prominent text. and bigger.
Road signs have dual languages, first is the local language of the state and the second in English.
Local of small brands advertisements are in regional languages.
Personal quotes or religious saying at the back of the car are in regional language.
Seek/Sought Being
Stray dog
Chabutro / Bird Feeder
water for animals and birds
food for stray animals
In my culture, historically a lot of importance is placed in the care of the flora and fauna around us. it is not treated as an external entity but rather as part of us. A lot of it is lost but some traditions are still carried on.
image .1 As the number of bird feeders in the old city (they are intentionally tall so animals cant attack them),
image.2-You also see random water feeders around the city in from of the houses,
image.3-People put leftover food outside of their houses for stray animals.
Just before the lockdown I had visited a local market in the old city, where some of the trades are still carried out in a traditional manner.
Pushcart selling fresh vegetables in an urban area. And cow’s roam freely in the city.
A cattle herder with his cattle roaming in the city
Khadi Paper production facility. A traditional way of paper making in Indian subcontinent.
While moving around the city I noticed women were mostly dressed in traditional clothes while men were dressed in formal clothes. !!!!!
Clothes & Gender:
Why are women in traditional clothes?
Why men in the service sector or otherwise in modern clothes?
Why are people traditional trade still in traditional clothes?
What are the hurdles? Is it culture?
Should there be local clothes in the corporate world? How would that look like?
Knowledge Archival
In Action 1 the tattoos you saw on the women’s bodies, in Action 2 I converted them into digital format, and here I tried to make transfer them into a tangible format.
Cut them into leaf’s
Laser cut into MDF
Laser cut into Transparent Acrylic
Laser cut into gold and silver mirror acrylic
I did a collaboration with a artisan- Sofiaben (Sofia is her name, ben is a salutatio that is added after a female’s name in our culture) I showed her the symbols and she hand embroidered them onto a fabric.
I had to provide feedback to Pat with visuals and without talking. the following is my feedback for her. The video I have uploaded is not playing sounds nor the gifs for some reason.
Provided visuals on my negative/positive feedback without words. The recipe was about 16hrs, it was in process when I made the presentation.
This was really interesting for me as it was my first attempt to provide a personalized experience to someone and someone doing the same for me. It was designed with much love and care for each other. This experience felt very personal to me. I hope I take this learning and integrate into my work.